Born in 1947 in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).
Graduated from architectural school in Academy of Fine Arts Repin Institute in 1971. Worked in architecture as an employee until 1989 when started an own practice. Since then was running business in architectural design with partners. The winner of several competitions. A lecturer in architectural school of the Repine Institute. An honored architect of Russia since 2002. Vise-president of St.-Petersburg UA in term of 2008 – 2011 and 2012-2016.
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- Apartment house 2 linnia 27 SPb. – 1
- Apartment house ul.Vosstania 8 SPb. – 2
- Apartment house ul.S’ejinskaia 36 Spb.
- Apartment house ul.Very Sluzkoi SPb.
- Apartment complex Poulkovskaja ul. SPb.
- Apartment complex ul.Barochnaja 12 SPb. – 3
- Business centre YIT Primorski prosp. SPb. – 4
- Retail and business centre Atlantic-City. – 5
- Cultural centre and theatre Tolstoy Square. – 6
- Apartment complex Leont’evsky Mys SPb – 7
- Housing areas 29-29A in UPch SPb – 8
- Low-rise housing in Pushkin SPb – 9
- Low-rise housing Normandia SPb – 10
- Vosstania st. housing 2004 – 1 prize.
- Atlantic-City centre 2005 – 1 prize.
- Housing area 29-29А UPch 2007 – 1 prize.
- Low-rise housing Normandia 2009 – 1 prize.
- ZOO Untolovo SPb 2010 – 2 pl.